
Welcome to our site! Old South Balls is a small group of homeschool families privileged to host historical balls in our area. If you would like to know more about our balls, required attire, etiquette, dances, etc., please use the menu to the left.

We hope you enjoy your stay!


June 3 - The last of the pictures from the Rhododendron Ball have been upload.  Enjoy!

May 30 - I'm in the midst of uploading pictures from the Rhododendron Ball.  It's hard to believe that OSB just hosted it's 10th ball!  God has been so good to us, and we are blessed at the continued good attendance and enthusiasm of our guests.  Thankful for each and every one of you!

October 19 - The beginnings of some picture updates!

October 15 - A long overdue update!  Some small changes to the main sections, so please be sure to familiarize yourselves with the Attire & Modesty.  More updates coming soon, including pictures and video!

June 9 - Pictures from the Assembly Ball and a few more practices are now online! Find them all in the Picture Menu.